2024 1st Young Scientists Intersociety Webinar CRS YSC meets YSF-ESB and yESMI Agenda


     Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

*All times listed in EST

8:40 AM to 9:15 AM

Session 1: Welcome, Logistics, and Introduction

Chair: Quim Peña (CRS YSC)

Twan Lammers (CRS President)

Claudia Martins (CRS YSC)

Arn Mignon (YSF-ESB)

Sophie Stotz (yESMI)

9:15 AM to 9:45 AM

Session 2: Nanomaterials for Therapeutics and Biosensing 

Chairs: Claudia Martins (CRS YSC), Patrycja Domalik-Pyzik (YSF-ESB



Professor Molly Stevens

Imperial College London / University of Oxford

30 minutes

9:45 AM to 10:15 AM

Session 3: Immunomodulating and Imageable Nanomedicines for Nucleic Acid-Delivery

Chairs: Eleonora Cavallari (yESMI), Leila Arabi (CRS YSC)


Assistant Professor Roy van der Meel


10:15 AM to 10:25 AM


10:25 AM to 11:25 AM

Session 4: Young Scientists short-talks

Chairs: Nikhar Vishuakarma (CRS YSC), Sophie Stotz (yESMI), Paula Soares (YSF-ESB)


Ionic Liquid-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Subcutaneous Administration of High Concentration monoclonal Antibodies

Anujan Ramesh

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University


Evaluation of the Degradation Mechanisms and Release Kinetics for Multi-Compartmentalized Polymeric Micromesh Implants 

Irene Guerriero

Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Precision Medicine, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia; Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering, University of Genoa


Do It Yourself – Charging Implantable Electronic Medical Devices with Your Own Body

Herbert Middleton

i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto 


Impact of Endothelial Cell Abnormalities and Shear Stress on Nanoparticle Responses in a Dynamic Vessel-on-a-Chip Model

Yasmin Abdelkader

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto; The Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science of St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, University of Toronto


Modular Polymeric Micelle Platform for Multimodal Image-Guided Cancer Nanomedicine

Alec Wang

RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging


Innovating Nanomedicine and Cell-Based Drug Delivery for Glioblastoma via Advanced In Vitro Microenvironment Models

Andrea Bezze

Politecnico di Torino, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; PolitoBIOMed Lab - Biomedical Engineering Lab


Antibody-Sensitizer Conjugates for Cancer Immunotherapy

Dmytro Kobzev

Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ariel University; State Scientific Institution “Institute for Single Crystals” of the NAS of Ukraine

11:25 AM to 11:55 AM

Session 5: Biomimetic Materials Engineering for Drug Delivery and Therapeutic Applications

Chairs: Paula Soares (YSF-ESB), Juan Aparicio-Blanco (CRS YSC)


Assistant Professor Assaf Zinger 

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

30 minutes

11:55 AM to 12:10 PM

Awards & Closing Remarks

Chair: Quim Peña (CRS YSC)

12:10 PM to 12:30 PM

Young Scientist Networking Session

Chairs: Maria Vivero-Lopez (CRS YSC), Nikhar Vishuakarma (CRS YSC), Arn Mignon (YSF-ESB), Paula Soares (YSF-ESB), Sophie Stotz (yESMI), Eleonora Cavallari (yESMI)








