Invited Speaker: Nanomedicines and Theranostics: Image-guided and Targeted Treatments for Individualized and Improved Interventions

Mini Symposia – Individualized Medicine and Theranostics
T. Lammers
Department of Experimental Molecular Imaging, Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University Clinic, 52074 Aachen, Germany; Department of Controlled Drug Delivery, MIRA Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Technical Medicine, University of Twente, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands; Department of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands

In the present lecture, I will briefly address the basic principles of passive and active drug targeting to tumors. In addition, I will describe how non-invasive imaging techniques can be used to individualize and improve nanomedicine treatments. Furthermore, recent advances in the use of theranostic materials and methods for drug delivery to inflammatory lesions and to the brain will be summarized, as well as their suitability for tissue engineering purposes.