I am currently full professor of pharmaceutics at the Department of Drug Sciences, University of Pavia where I teach Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory aspects of drug products and I am involved in the coordination of EMJMD NANOMED. In my career, I was associate professor at the University of Catania and postdoc at the College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky, USA. My scientific research focuses on drug delivery (starting with microparticulate drug delivery systems) and tissue engineering, i.e. design and development of drug loaded polymer nanoparticles and biodegradable polymer scaffolds for tissue repair and regeneration, their processing and physicochemical characterization. Particular focus has been addressed to emerging manufacturing techniques for nanoparticles and scaffolds such as microfluidics and electrospinning. I collaborates with Italian and foreign academics, companies and hospitals. I am currently involved in PNNR PE13 INFACT project and “Immunohub” project granted by Italian Health Dept.. I am member of International scientific associations and Italian: CRS, AAPS, AFI, ADRITELF; I was President of CRS Italian Chapter from 2014 to 2016. I am author of 175 publications in International peer-reviewed journals (4096 citations, 37 h-index as indexed by Scopus on 09/2022) and inventor of two patents.