Vision Statement
The Preclinical Sciences & Animal Health Division of the CRS is a multi-disciplinary, international group of CRS members dedicated to advancing the science and technology of the field of controlled release relating to preclinical sciences and animal health.
Mission Statement
The division’s mission is:
- To foster opportunities for collaboration between CRS members interested in animal and human health;
- To provide a platform to explore the use of animal models in pre-clinical studies, interspecies differences in drug absorption, pharmacokinetics, and target site drug delivery, and all matters relating to the animal health industry.
Initiatives and Activities
- Rather than having veterinary-specific sessions, the goal will be to unite scientists working in the area of animal health and animal models and to integrate these two topics into a joint annual meeting track.
- The division website will have a list of citations focusing on interspecies differences that may influence interspecies extrapolations. Members will be encouraged to contribute to this resource.
- This new initiative will be highly focused on engagement of CRS members interested in the use of animal models in preclinical studies; interspecies differences in drug absorption, pharmacokinetics, and target site drug delivery; and all matters relating to the animal health industry. This will be accomplished by the scheduling of focused discussions on scientific issues and challenges, controversial publications, important initiatives, and in silico tools to facilitate the development of novel drugs and delivery platforms. The engagement initiative will be organized as follows:
- Placement of discussion materials on the Preclinical Sciences and Animal Health Division webpage.
- CRS will set up a blog where individuals can place thoughts prior to the discussion. Over time, this will become a mechanism for member exchange.
- Conference calls in which the article and any blog discussions can be shared. Membership conference calls will occur every other month.
- All CRS members can participate in these discussions by signing up to for the call-in information.
- The highlights of the division webpage and discussions will be published in the CRS Newsletter. This regularly scheduled write-up will also showcase the next scheduled discussion topic. In addition, members will be given the opportunity to share highlights of their recent publications.
- Members will have the opportunity to recommend webcast speakers on interspecies differences. We will also plan workshops at annual meetings on such topics as use of simulation and modeling of animal species to support drug development in human and veterinary species.
Article Highlights
The CRS PSAH Division provides articles of interest highlighting various aspects of preclinical and veterinary sciences.
Useful links relating to animal research are featured here.
Like to be a member of this Division?
If you would like to join this Division, please contact Member Services at CRS Headquarters to let us know you would like to be involved.