Learn More About Joining the Committee
The Young Scientist Committee (YSC) is always keen to invite new members to join from throughout the scientific community; students, early career scientists and professionals.
Various roles within the YSC are applicable to all interested scientists. To learn more about how you can become involved, click on the relevant links to contact us.
Please contact me about my enquiry
The Young Scientist Committee (YSC) strives to provide students, early career scientists and professionals new to the delivery of bioactives with information and assistance.
To contact us regarding any aspect of the YSC, click on the relevant links and send us a short message about your query. A member of the team would be happy to get in contact with you directly!
Local Chapters
CRS Chapters and Student Chapters are an excellent way for Young Scientists to get involved in the CRS, take part in scientific meetings and network with peers.
If you want to find out more about the Chapters or Student Chapters in your country and the exciting opportunities available, please take a look at the Chapters site. If you would like to read the latest news from the Chapters, please browse the CRS Newsletters.
Linked In
Do you want a quick and easy way to make contact with other young scientists in your field, including those you may not already know?
Click the link and join the CRS Young Scientists LinkedIn group to access the best place on the web for young CRS scientists to air and share our views, ask questions and access a wide range of useful contacts!
Information will be posted to help you find out about upcoming events targeted at young scientists. Feel free to use this as a forum for discussion, a means to contact the Young Scientist Committee and each other, and make your opinion heard....