Danyi Quan Bio

dqDanyi Quan is the president/CEO of Institute of Advanced Drug Delivery Technology (IADDT), a subsidiary institute of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI), and the chief scientific officer of Xel Pharmaceuticals.  She has over 25 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industries, and her expertise R&D fields include transdermal drug delivery, topical and dermatologic drug delivery, oral controlled release drug delivery and fast-dissolving drug delivery systems. Before cofounding of Xel Pharmaceuticals, she was the director of Transdermal Research of Watson Pharmaceuticals (now Teva), and the key inventor for dozens of leading commercial transdermal and topical products. Since cofounding IADDT, Dr. Quan continues her R&D focuses on advanced drug delivery systems, and commits to apply the novel technology platform to the institute system. She has about 100 publications and invited presentations, holds 50 patents. Dr. Quan serves as the CRS Ambassador in China and was the member of CRS Nominating Committee and the vice president of CRS China Local Chapter. She currently is an adjunct professor at University of the Pacific, China Pharmaceutical University and Nanjing Medical University, the member of five international professional associations.