Welcome to CRS 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo in Bologna
On behalf of the CRS Annual Meeting Program Committee (AMPC) and the CRS Board of Directors, I am excited and truly honored to invite all of you to the CRS 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo in Bologna (Italy), July 8-12, 2024.
This year, our conference theme is “Integrating Delivery Science across disciplines”, building on the notion that our daily activities rely on the continuous integration of multiple knowledge domains and expertise, from pharmaceutical sciences to engineering, from biotechnology to materials science and chemistry, from molecular imaging to clinical translation, with the ultimate objective of benefiting patients and their families.
For the first time ever, this year our conference will be in Italy, in the splendid city of Bologna, known as “la dotta” (the erudite) for its University, the oldest in the Western world founded in 1088; “la grassa” (the fat) for its opulent culinary tradition, and “la rossa” (the red) for the characteristic color of its Medieval buildings.
The AMPC is developing an exciting program with the right balance between learning from luminaries in the fields of delivery sciences, nanomedicine, imaging, artificial intelligence, and more to exploring Bologna's rich history and culture by walking down the 38 kilometers of porticos, from attending industry-led workshops and scientific forums to engaging in scientific discussions while savoring the oldest local traditions in a trattoria.
We are working on creating a memorable event to celebrate science, friendship, and life.
“Ci vediamo a Bologna” – see you all in Bologna!

Paolo Decuzzi, Ph.D.
Italian Institute of Technology
AMPC Chair
Request a Letter of Invitation to facilitate the Visa application process
For questions about the 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo please reach out to:
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Contact our Industry Relations Manager
Amanda Bray