CRS Local Chapters Meeting 2022: Germany and BeNeLux &France

Center for Teaching and Training (CT2), Forckenbeckstrasse 71, Aachen, Germany

- Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Germany CRS Local Chapter

- Inauguration Meeting of the BeNeLux & France CRS Local Chapter

- Co-organized with RTG2375 “Tumor-targeted Drug Delivery”

Date:                   Wednesday 09.03.22 at 13:00  -  Friday 11.03.22 at 13:00

Venue:             Center for Teaching and Training (CT2), Forckenbeckstrasse 71, Aachen, Germany

OC Team:        Twan Lammers, Jai Prakash, Giovanna Lollo, Roy van der Meel, Claus-Michael Lehr, Tessa Luehmann, Sung Min Pyo, Cornelia Keck, Michael Hacker, Olivia Merkel

RTG Team:      Jeffrey Momoh, Cedric Hustinx, Anu Koikalethu, Sara Elsafy, Nina Keusgen