Next Generation Delivery and Diagnostics Symposium Agenda

Next Generation Delivery and Diagnostics Symposium Agenda

**All Information is Subject to Change**

Wednesday, September 21

Time (EDT) Session
9:15 am Welcome and logistics
9.30-9.45 am  Introduction (Simon Matoori)
9.45-11.15 am

Session 1: Robotics in Drug Delivery

Dr. Beate Bittner (Roche)

Dr. Eric Schiller (Sanofi)

11.15-11.30 BREAK
11.30-1.00 Keynote speaker Professor Giovanni Traverso (MIT)
1.00-1.15 BREAK
1.15-2.00 pm

Celero Systems (Gio Traverso lab spin-off)

Dr. Dan Bacher (Celero Systems)

2.00-3.30 pm

Session 2: Diagnostics systems

Dr. Rushdy Ahmad (Wyss Diagnostics Accelerator, Harvard University)
3.30-4.00 Wrap up and closing words

Thursday, September 22

Time (EDT) Session
9.15 am  Welcome and logistics
9.30-11.30 am

Session 4: How to define and nurture breakthrough technologies

Dr. Christine Horejs (Editor in chief of Nature Biomedical Engineering Reviews)

11.30-12 pm BREAK
12.00-1.30 pm Keynote speaker 2
1.30-1.45 pm  BREAK
1.45-3.30 pm Session 5: AI in drug formulation development with panel discussion

Dr. Daniel Reker (Duke University)

Dr. Fernando Ulloa Montoya (Sanofi)

3:30- 4pm  Wrap up and closing words