Paolo Caliceti Bio


MS in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology-University of Padova (1984)
PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences -  University of Padova  (1989)

Positions and Employments
2002 to date Full Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology University of Padova.
1998-2002 Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Technology
1989-1998 Assistant Professor in Applied Pharmaceutical Chemistry
1986/1987 invited scientist at NIH (Bethesda, USA),
1990 invited scientist at Academy of Sciences in Moscow
1994 invited scientist at SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, (King of Prussia, USA).

Professional service
2008-2013 President of CRS Italy Chapter
2009-2012 Coordinator of CRS Chapter Committee
2015-2019 Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences of University of Padova
2017-2020 Board member of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Technology (Divisione di Tecnologia Farmaceutica of Italian Chemical Society and ADRITELF).
2018 to date Associate Editor of Journal of Controlled Release
2021 to date President of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Technology (Divisione di Tecnologia Farmaceutica of Italian Chemical Society and ADRITELF).
Member of editorial boards of drug delivery journals.
Member of national and international evaluation panels for project funding, including EU funding programs (ERC and IMI).
Consultant with Italian and foreign pharmaceutical companies.

Contribution to science
Nanotechnology for tailored drug delivery.
Chemical and physical protein PEGylation.
Polymeric and lipid nano- and microparticle.
Stimuli sensitive and targeted polymer therapeutics and nanoparticles.
Oligonucleotide delivery.

Publications over 170, Patents 17, Invited presentations over 60.

 Five main publications in the last 2 years
1. Sen, M., Al-Amin, M., Kicková, E., Sadegi A., Puranen J., Urtti A., Caliceti P., Salmaso S., Arango-Gonzalez, B., Ueffing, M. Retinal neuroprotection by controlled release of a VCP inhibitor from self-assembled nanoparticles J. Control.Release (2021) 339: 307 – 320.
2. Infante, P., Malfanti, A., Quaglio, D., Brunacci S., De Martin  S., Bufalieri F., Mastrotto  F., Basili I., Garofalo M., Lospinoso Severini L., Mori M., Manni I., Moretti  M., Nicoletti C. , Piaggio G., Caliceti P., Botta B., Ghirga F., Salmaso S., Di Marcotullio, L. Glabrescione B delivery by self-assembling micelles efficiently inhibits tumor growth in preclinical models of Hedgehog-dependent medulloblastoma. Cancer Lett. (2021) 499:220-231doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2020.11.028.
3. Brunato  S., Mastrotto  F., Bellato  F., Bastiancich C., Travanut  A., Garofalo  M., Mantovani  G., Alexander  C., Preat  V., Salmaso  S., Caliceti  P. PEG-polyaminoacid based micelles for controlled release of doxorubicin: Rational design, safety and efficacy study. J Control. Release (2021) 335:21-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2021.05.010.
4. Mastrotto F., Brazzale C., Bellato F., De Martin S.  Grange, G., Mahmoudzadeh M., Magarkar A., Bunker A., Salmaso S. Caliceti, P. In Vitro and in Vivo Behavior of Liposomes Decorated with PEGs with Different Chemical Features Mol. Pharm. (2020) 17, (2) 472-487.