Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Málaga y Plataforma en Nanomedicina – IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, Spain
Ramón y Cajal Researcher
Juan Luis Paris obtained his B.Sc. (2013) and his PhD (2017) in Pharmacy at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM, Spain). During his doctoral training, he was also a visiting researcher at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (USA, 2016) and at the University of Oxford (UK, 2017). His PhD thesis focused on the design, synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of mesostructured silica nanomaterials for application in biomedicine. After defending his thesis, Juan Luis was a Ramón Areces postdoctoral fellow at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL, Portugal), where he worked on the combination of microfluidic techniques with self-assembled nanostructures for gene therapy. Later, he held a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship at IBIMA (Málaga, Spain, 2020-2022) working on nanoparticles for allergy diagnosis and therapy. In 2022 he was also a visiting researcher at Queen’s University Belfast. Since January 2023 he is a Ramón y Cajal researcher (Tenure Track) at IBIMA Plataforma BIONAND, where his independent research line is focused on developing bio- and nano-materials for therapeutic immunomodulation in allergic diseases and other pathologies.