Natasha Sheybani obtained her B.S. (with Honors) in Biomedical Engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2015, where her research focused on design and synthesis of novel biologically active polymers for pharmaceutical applications including controlled insulin release and siRNA delivery. She is currently completing her PhD (Biomedical Engineering) in the Price Lab at University of Virginia (UVA). Her graduate research centers on leveraging focused ultrasound, a non-invasive image-guided therapeutic technology, to potentiate immunotherapies like checkpoint blockade for eradication of primary and disseminated solid cancers. Natasha holds a National Cancer Institute F99/K00 award, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and UVA School of Medicine Robert R. Wagner Fellowship. In tandem with scientific research, Natasha pursues a passion for engaging in scientific communication and STEM-related community outreach. She has a general exuberance for life, and in her spare time enjoys spending time with family, going to concerts, eating good food, and exercising.