
The 2019 joint New Zealand-Australian Controlled Release Society Workshop was held at the School of Pharmacy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand on the 20th and 21st of November. The New Zealand Chapter of the Controlled Release Society (NZCRS) was pleased to play a role in…
Event date: 18-19th November 2019 Total attendee: Approximately 180 Venue: The School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland, Brisbane. The Australian Chapter of the Controlled Release Society…
Introduction Nano-sized materials are widely applied as drug delivery systems because of their ability to distribute in the body and…
This article summarizes selected patents in the area of controlled release or delivery that were issued from September 3, 2019 through December 3, 2019. Greater detail on each of these patents is given on the U.S. patent website…
LUMINARY BRUNO SARMENTO, PHD Bruno Sarmento is Principal Investigator at INEB/i3S, Institute of Biomedical Engineering/Institute for Investigation and Innovation in Health, University of Porto, and Assistant Professor…
LUMINARY STEVEN R. LITTLE, PHD At the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Steven Little is the Chairman of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering and is the William Kepler Whiteford Endowed Professor in the Departments of…