Sofia Saraiva is currently working at the Center of Potential and Innovation of Natural Resources, Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (CPIRN-IPG) as Technical-Scientific Coordinator in the area of health and welfare. Sofia holds a PhD in Drug research and development, from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Her PhD focused on the development of nanosystems for siRNA delivery to the eye, was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholarship, within a European Project (NABBA), and supervised by Professor Maria José Alonso (Nanobiofar group). During her PhD she also worked as a visiting researcher at the University of Milan (Italy), supervised by Professor Francesco Nicrotra and Professor Laura Russo, and Sylentis S.A. (Spain). After her PhD she became a post-doctoral researcher at the Nano-Oncology and Translational Therapeutics group, directed by Dr. María de la Fuente, at the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS, Spain) where she worked on different projects, collaborating with several researchers, on the development of novel nanotechnology-based therapies for pancreatic cancer and skin conditions. Aside from the work on nanotechnology and biomaterials for health care, she is also interested on science communication. In this sense, she is participating on the organization of Pin of Science Portugal, as a local manager of the area of Guarda.