Women in Science Award

Women in Science Award

The Controlled Release Society grants this honor to a woman scientist who must be internationally recognized for outstanding contributions in science and technology. 


  • The nominee will be evaluated on scientific excellence; leadership experience; teaching and mentoring experience; entrepreneurial, innovative, and managerial activities; service to institutions and scientific communities; and efforts to progress women in science
  • Current CRS membership is not required
  • Nominee must be supported by at least 2 CRS members

Nomination Process

The nomination process must be open to the wide CRS community with a link directly in the CRS website. A nomination form will be required with the following items:

  • Nomination letter from the nominator outlining key accomplishments of the candidate
  • An abbreviated curriculum vitae

All nominations must be submitted via the nomination form by Monday, December 5, 2022. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Click here to nominate


  • Presentation and Q&A at the WIS session at CRS annual event
  • Recipient of the WIS Award will become WIS Honorary Member