
The DrugBiOp Lab at the University of Valencia Ana Melero is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology within Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology and Parasitology at the University of Valencia, Spain. Her expertise is in…
This article summarizes selected patents in the area of controlled release or delivery that were issued from January 1, 2024 through February 27, 2024. Greater detail on each of these patents is given on the U.S. patent website Patent Public Search…
Hagar Labouta (left, top) and Rahima Benhabbour (left, bottom) at the CRS Symposium in October and in Paris (right). Last October, researchers from around the world gathered online for a first-of-its-kind CRS symposium: “…
The “Spotlight Chats” are back, and I couldn’t be happier with my guest for this issue! Prof Christine Allen (University of Toronto) is a trailblazer inside and outside of CRS, an inspirational leader, and currently the Chair of the Women in Science group.…
This article summarizes selected patents in the area of controlled release or delivery that were issued from Feb 21, 2023 through May 30, 2023. Greater detail on each of these patents is given on the U.S. patent website Patent Public Search | USPTO…
  This article summarizes selected patents in controlled release or delivery that were issued from October 25, 2022 through February 14, 2023. Greater detail on each of these patents is given on the U.S. patent website: