
          Focus Group Program Director Hélder Santos, PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland Prof. Santos (D.Sc. Tech., Chem. Eng.) is a Full Professor in Biomedical Engineering and Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at…
  Choosing an appropriate dissolution filter is one of the most important aspects of a dissolution method. Filtration is also, however, easy to misunderstand. Many analysts focus on filters as being a way to “clean” the samples for proper analysis by HPLC or UV, but filters play…
Summary When developing adeno-associated virus vectors as drug products, multiple quality attributes must be monitored to ensure a safe and efficacious final product. Three such QAs are total AAV particle concentration, aggregate content,…
Introduction One of the primary challenges in developing effective formulations for the nanoscale delivery of therapeutics is particle characterization. Standard techniques such as dynamic light scattering (…
Like many companies there has been an increased focus on drug delivery at AstraZeneca over recent years and an explosion of opportunities for delivery science.  Traditionally, like many large biopharma companies, drug delivery was focused on delivering small molecule drug…