Profile: Mariam Badawi

Mariam Badawi has a Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Tissue Engineering from the University of Alexandria, Egypt. She is currently finalizing her PhD thesis at Strathclyde University, UK. Brought up in Egypt which ranks first in prevalence of blindness in Africa, Mariam was dedicated to focus her research on novel ocular delivery systems. Her PhD was an Allergan funded project which explored synthesis of new polymeric material for ophthalmic drug delivery. Being passionate about bringing new polymers to the market Mariam joined Proctor and Gamble as a scientist on their R&D campus in Germany. Apart from science Mariam is always thrilled to volunteer and has joined several NGOs, through which she has discovered her special talent! Fundraising Mariam loves chasing people for money since she is a firm believer that we all have a responsibility to our environment and community. Little by little mean a lot! Mariam is excited to join the YSC because she is sincerely grateful to all the inspiring people she has met in her science journey so far, for they are the reason she is who she is today. For that reason she would love to get more young scientists live that experience and meet as many luminaries as possible!